Two bases of posts located on the southern face of the monument presents pictures.

Base aux lions

Base with the lions

The base located at the west of the door giving access to the low room comprises a single decoration in the Norman sculpture: it represents two lions laid down on their back, with a single head. This type of representation exists, but the animals are represented upright on their legs. These animals are obviously lions.
Some archaelologists thought that it was a capital re-used as a base. Several reasons encourage us to think the opposite: 1) This element has the same dimensions as the other bases. 2) The legs of the animals would
not rest on what is on the ground. 3) The overall quality of the building makes it difficult to imagine a reuse of this part.

Base au dragon

Base with the Dragon

The base located at the west of the door comprises a figuration of a dragon.
At the time of the discovery, this base was hidden by the masonry of the later hall. One initially saw in this base a decoration of palmette.



The only document which presents a similar iconography is a enluminure of a manuscript of the psalms dating from XIVth century. It illustrates the psalm 91 which starts with these words " You will press the lion cub and the dragon. ". Thus we think that they wanted to illustrate this psalm.
